In many Japanese martial arts, there is a differentiation between the SHŌ (say ‘show’) of the art and the DŌ (say ‘dough’) of the art. Basically, the DŌ is the functional part of the art, how to make the movements and what they are useful for, both in terms of spiritual centering and self-defense. On […]
Food for thought about customers
June 22, 2015 Categoriesby Dick Keough, Brunswick Market How do you feel about your customers? How do your customers feel about your farmstand? Do you get cash tips from your customers? Do your customers give you gifts? Do you give needy people a gift of your product or a discount? Do you get asked to help local groups […]
Quick tips for selling at market
July 10, 2012 Categories1. View Your Stand Like A Shopper. During a pause in business, take a walk away from your stand, then turn around and approach it as a shopper would. Then walk on past and approach your stand again from the other direction. Take note of what strikes your eye and consider how you could make each […]